20 pornts the following hash table uses open addressing with quadrwti pr draw the f 5149065

(20 pornts) The following hash table uses open addressing with quadrwti pr Draw the final state of the hash table after the g

(20 pornts) The following hash table uses open addressing with quadrwti pr Draw the final state of the hash table after the given series of operatit e pet 1Ma aare to visually indicate any special state associated entries such a deatavais elerients are not allowed in the hash table. You may draw on the diagram if you find it convenient. Hash Code Name King Koopa 14 Mario Wario 29 Luigi 3 4 Toad 24 S Donkey Kong 17 6 Rosalina 80 Peach 25 Yoshi 10 HashTable h-new HashTable ): h.add (“Bob”); h.add(“King Koopa”); // start h.add (“Mario”); h. add (“Wario”) ; h.add(“Luigi”); h. add (“Toad”); h.add (“Donkey Kong”); h.remove (“Mario”); h.remove (“Luigi”); h.add (“Rosalina”); h.add(“Peach”); h.add (“Yoshi”);

week 3 assignment 1 4 points develop a memo addressed to the supervising manager you 3618324

Week 3 Assignment # 1 – (4 points)

Develop a Memo addressed to the Supervising Manager (your faculty) with regard to the predisposing factors affecting the HC services delivery situation at that time. This submission does not require the citations or references. The goal is to demonstrate your critical thinking (analysis and application of the general concepts) in the assessment of an HC sector service delivery.

  • Read more about Memo structure at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/owlprint/590/ Use Microsoft word templates.
  • Read about Critical thinking in your course Syllabus.
  • Read about decision making at http://the-happy-manager.com/tips/7-step-decision-making-process-infographic/

Post the Memo in the Group forum and submit it to the appropriate dropbox for grading.  

*List minimum 2 issues that contributed to the situation from the perspective of your job role. For example, if your role is the supply chain management one of the issues might be the absence of the sharp disposal containers due to flood in the warehouse where they are stored off-site.

*Recommend a realistic solution to each of the listed issues. For example, recommend using thick plastic water containers labeled with permanent markers as a temporary solution.  (Do not use the provided example in your submissions).

*List the workforce and stakeholders necessary to achieve the proposed solutions. For example, the food supplier/manager needs to be contacted about the empty water containers. The custodial chief needs to be contacted about the storage locations and restrictions enforcement.

Week 3 Assignment #2 -4 points

Develop a Memo directed to the Supervising Manager (your faculty) informing about the population status assessment at the time and the identifiers of the needs. Provide the sources this information was pulled. This is not your job role related assignment, but rather a general topic important for all the managers to understand. Make sure to chose correctly identified risk population and appropriate identifiers.  

*List vital statistics of the involved population (read about the vital statistics at www.med.mcgill.ca/epidemiology/hanley/c609/material/VitalStatisticsEoB.pdf ). Chose minimum 2 vital statistics markers and explain their significance in this situation. Make sure to provide the calculations and justification for the marker choice. 

*Chose 2 specific groups and list minimum 1 need per group to address based on your population status assessment.

(read about the humanitarian need assessment at https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/programme-cycle/space/document/humanitarian-needs-overview-guidance-and-templates-updated-august-0  (5.41 MB)

need help to complete web application testing assignment using python3 selenium belo 5152755

Need help to complete web application testing assignment using python3 selenium.. Below is the assignment detail:

Go to Guru99 Bank at http://demo.guru99.com/v4/ 1. Create your own account 2. Log in 3. Manually create a new customer using the New Customer link 4. Manually create a new account using the New Account link Then, test the following BDD scenario: a user logs in with valid user id and password, goes to the Balance Inquiry section, submits the account number, and ensures the account number, account type, and balance.

Hopefully, I will receive an answer soon from Chegg Expert people. Thanks.

swift language i wanna change the color of an object when it passes through a small 5154732

(SWIFT Language)

I wanna change the color of an object when it passes through a small vertical line, lets say a rectangle that is moving to the right from the middle left of the screen (its Xcode) and the line lies in the centre of the screen. My aim is only make the part that has collided with the vertical line change the color progressively, and the block only changes its color entirely when it has passed through the line.

I made it in a Xcode game project, created two SKShapeNode objects to test, one is the rectangular shape moving horizontally to the right and the other is a line lying in the middle of its way.9 import Spritekit 10 import Gameplay Kit class GameScene: SKScene, SKPhysicsContactDelegate { let object = SKShapeNode() let

I was expecting it to change colour of only the part that has collided with the line but as soon as the object touched the line x coordinate (at x:350, y:0) it will change the color of entire block. Does this project need to involve using BitmaskCollision? I have thought about it but it doesn't seem like that.

9 import Spritekit 10 import Gameplay Kit class GameScene: SKScene, SKPhysicsContactDelegate { let object = SKShapeNode() let stand = SKShapeNode) override func didMove (to view: SKView) { self.physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self object.path = CGPath(roundedRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 150, width: 100, height: 60), cornerWidth: 0, cornerHeight: 0, transform: nil) object.position = CGPoint(x: 0 ,y: 640) object.fillcolor = SKColor.blue stand.path = CGPath(roundedRect: CGRect(x: 350, y: 0, width: 10, height: self.size.height*2), cornerWidth: 0, cornerHeight: 0, transform: nil) stand.fillcolor = SKColor.red let moveAction = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x:640, y:640), duration: 6) object.run(moveAction) self.addChild(stand) self.addChild(object) override func update current Time: Time Interval) { if object.position.x > 350{ object.fillcolor = SKColor.red

c programming please only answer if you can do the entire problem do not make your o 5150148

C++ Programming. Please only answer if you can do the ENTIRE problem. DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN CPP FILES, VARIABLES, ETC. UPLOAD ALL OF THE EXACT .CPP AND .H FILES AS I HAVE THEM JUST COMPLETED. Reattach all files I have below even if you didn't have to edit one. Program MUST compile and all these instructions followed in order for me to give a thumbs up, thank you 🙂

Parts to complete:

– implement the ListArray ADT (60 points) [the declaration is given in ListArray.h]

– implement the following operations:

– constructor, assignment operator, destructor

– insert, remove, replace, clear

– isFull, isEmpty

– gotoBeginning, gotoEnd, gotoNext, gotoPrior, getCursor

– Programming Exercise 2: implement the member function moveToNth(…) that removes the item marked by the cursor and inserts it as the nth element of the list; test your implementation by turning the flag LAB3_TEST2 from 0 to 1 in config.h; (20 points)

– Programming Exercise 3: implement the ListArray member function find(…) that searches for the element given as a parameter; the search starts at the cursor and stops when it finds the element or at the end of the list; the cursor remains on the last position searched; test you implementation by turning the flag LAB3_TEST3 from 0 to 1 in config.h; (20 points)


// Laboratory 3, In-lab Exercise 1 test3dna.cpp
// Test program for the countbases function

// Reads a DNA sequence from the keyboard, calls function countBases
// countBases (which uses a list to represent a DNA sequence), and
// outputs the number of times that each base (A, G, C and T) occurs
// in the sequence.

#include “ListArray.cpp”

using namespace std;

// Function prototype

void countBases ( List &dnaSequence,
int &aCount,
int &cCount,
int &tCount,
int &gCount );


int main ()
List dnaSequence(25); // DNA sequence (25 bases max.)
char base; // DNA base
int aCount, // Number of A's in the sequence
cCount, // Number of C's in the sequence
tCount, // Number of T's in the sequence
gCount; // Number of G's in the sequence

// Read the DNA sequence from the keyboard.

while ( base != 'n' )

// Display the sequence.


if( dnaSequence.isEmpty() )
} while ( dnaSequence.gotoNext() );

// Count the number of times that each base occurs.


// Output the totals.



// Insert your countBases function below.



* List class (Lab 3/Lab 4) configuration file.

* Activate test #N by defining the corresponding LAB3_TESTN to have the value 1.


* Because you will copy the List class code to your ordered list directory, having

* two “config.h” files presented the risk of accidentally replacing the one in the

* ordered list directory. So the two configuration files are combined for labs 3 and 4.


* NOTE!!! There was an error in the printed book. TEST1 shows up twice in the book.

* The basic List implementation uses TEST1 as described below, then exercise 2

* is activated by TEST2


#define LAB3_TEST1 0 // 0 => test with char, 1 => test with int

#define LAB3_TEST2 0 // Prog exercise 2: moveToNth

#define LAB3_TEST3 0 // Prog exercise 3: find


* Ordered list class tests.


#define LAB4_TEST1 0 // merge: programming exercise 2

#define LAB4_TEST2 0 // subset: programming exercise 3


#include “ListArray.h”

template < typename DataType >

List::List ( int maxNumber )



template < typename DataType >

List::List ( const List& source )




template < typename DataType >

List& List::operator= ( const List& source )


return *this;


template < typename DataType >

List::~List ()



template < typename DataType >

void List::insert ( const DataType& newDataItem )

throw ( logic_error )



template < typename DataType >

void List::remove () throw ( logic_error )



template < typename DataType >

void List::replace ( const DataType& newDataItem )

throw ( logic_error )



template < typename DataType >

void List::clear ()



template < typename DataType >

bool List::isEmpty () const


return false;


template < typename DataType >

bool List::isFull () const


return false;


template < typename DataType >

void List::gotoBeginning ()

throw ( logic_error )



template < typename DataType >

void List::gotoEnd ()

throw ( logic_error )



template < typename DataType >

bool List::gotoNext ()

throw ( logic_error )


return false;


template < typename DataType >

bool List::gotoPrior ()

throw ( logic_error )


return false;


template < typename DataType >

DataType List::getCursor () const

throw ( logic_error )


DataType t;

return t;


#include “show3.cpp”

template < typename DataType >

void List::moveToNth ( int n )

throw ( logic_error )



template < typename DataType >

bool List::find ( const DataType& searchDataItem )

throw ( logic_error )


return false;





// Laboratory 3 ListArray.h

// **Instructor&#39;s Solution**

// Class declaration for the array implementation of the List ADT







using namespace std;

#pragma warning( disable : 4290 )

template < typename DataType >

class List



static const int MAX_LIST_SIZE = 10; // Default maximum list size

// Constructors

List ( int maxNumber = MAX_LIST_SIZE ); // Default constructor

List ( const List& source ); // Copy constructor


// Overloaded assignment operator

List& operator= ( const List& source );

// Destructor

virtual ~List ();

// List manipulation operations

virtual void insert ( const DataType& newDataItem ) // Insert after cursor

throw ( logic_error );

void remove () throw ( logic_error ); // Remove data item

virtual void replace ( const DataType& newDataItem ) // Replace data item

throw ( logic_error );

void clear (); // Clear list

// List status operations

bool isEmpty () const; // List is empty

bool isFull () const; // List is full

// List iteration operations

void gotoBeginning () // Go to beginning

throw ( logic_error );

void gotoEnd () // Go to end

throw ( logic_error );

bool gotoNext () // Go to next data item

throw ( logic_error );

bool gotoPrior () // Go to prior data item

throw ( logic_error );

DataType getCursor () const

throw ( logic_error ); // Return data item

// Output the list structure — used in testing/debugging

virtual void showStructure () const;

// In-lab operations

void moveToNth ( int n ) // Move data item to pos. n

throw ( logic_error );

bool find ( const DataType& searchDataItem ) // Find data item

throw ( logic_error );


// Data members

int maxSize,

size, // Actual number of data item in the list

cursor; // Cursor array index

DataType *dataItems; // Array containing the list data item






// Laboratory 3 show3.cpp


// Array implementation of the showStructure operation for the

// List ADT



#include “ListArray.h”


void List:: showStructure () const

// outputs the data items in a list. if the list is empty, outputs

// “empty list”. this operation is intended for testing/debugging

// purposes only.


int j; // loop counter

if ( size == 0 )


// The Ordered List code blows up below. Since this is just debugging

// code, we check for whether the OrderedList is defined, and if so,

// print out the key value. If not, we try printing out the entire item.

// Note: This assumes that you have used the double-inclusion protection

// in your OrderedList.cpp file by doing a “#ifndef ORDEREDLIST_CPP”, etc.

// If not, you will need to comment out the code in the section under

// the “else”, otherwise the compiler will go crazy in lab 4.

// The alternative is to overload operator

// the ordered list.




for ( j = 0 ; j



for ( j = 0 ; j

if( j == cursor ) {





















#include “ListArray.cpp” // Note that we are including the file

// containing the code — NOT the header file

using namespace std;

int main ()


List samples(100); // Set of samples

int newSample, // Input sample

sum = 0; // Sum of the input samples


// Read in a set of samples from the keyboard.


while ( cin >> newSample ) {



// Sum the samples and output the result.


if ( ! samples.isEmpty() ) // If have data


samples.gotoBeginning(); // First set cursor to beginning of list

do {

sum += samples.getCursor(); // Add data item to running sum

} while ( samples.gotoNext() ); // Go to next data item (if any)



return 0;





// Laboratory 3 test3.cpp


// Test program for the operations in the List ADT




using namespace std;

// Because of C++ template implementations, must include source for templated class

// That is ugly, but it is required.

#include “ListArray.cpp”

#include “config.h”

void print_help();

void showTwoLists(List list1, List list2); // Displays two lists that are supposedly equivalent.

int main()


// hack: put a “try/catch” with list creation code?

// we need to demonstrate use of the try/catch syntax.

#if LAB3_TEST1

List testList(8); // Test list to test with ints

List copyList(testList); // Used to test copy constructor

List assignList; // Used to test assignment operator

int testData; // List data item


List testList(8); // Test list to test with chars

List copyList(testList); // Used to test copy constructor

List assignList; // Used to test assignment operator

char testData; // List data item


int n; // Position within list

char cmd; // Input command




testList.showStructure(); // Output list


cin >> cmd;

if ( cmd == &#39;+&#39; || cmd == &#39;=&#39; || cmd == &#39;?&#39; )

cin >> testData;

else if ( cmd == &#39;M&#39; || cmd == &#39;m&#39; )

cin >> n;

switch ( cmd )


case &#39;H&#39; : case &#39;h&#39;:



case &#39;+&#39; : // insert






catch (logic_error &e)





case &#39;-&#39; : // remove






catch (logic_error &e)





case &#39;=&#39; : // replace






catch (logic_error &e)





case &#39;@&#39; : // getCursor





catch (logic_error &e)





case &#39;






catch (logic_error &e)





case &#39;>&#39; : // gotoEnd






catch (logic_error &e)





case &#39;N&#39; : case &#39;n&#39; : // gotoNext



if ( testList.gotoNext() )





catch (logic_error &e)





case &#39;P&#39; : case &#39;p&#39; : // gotoPrior



if ( testList.gotoPrior() )





catch (logic_error &e)





case &#39;C&#39; : case &#39;c&#39; : // clear




case &#39;E&#39; : case &#39;e&#39; : // isEmpty

if ( testList.isEmpty() )





case &#39;F&#39; : case &#39;f&#39; : // isFull

if ( testList.isFull() )





case &#39;!&#39; :

showTwoLists(copyList, testList);


case &#39;#&#39; :


assignList = testList;

showTwoLists(assignList, testList);


#if LAB3_TEST2

case &#39;M&#39; : case &#39;m&#39; : // In-lab Exercise 2






catch (logic_error &e)





#endif // LAB3_TEST1

#if LAB3_TEST3

case &#39;?&#39; : // In-lab Exercise 3



if ( testList.find(testData) )





catch (logic_error &e)





#endif // LAB3_TEST3

case &#39;Q&#39; : case &#39;q&#39; : // Quit test program


default : // Invalid command




while ( cin && cmd != &#39;Q&#39; && cmd != &#39;q&#39; );

if( !cin ) {



return 0;


void showTwoLists(List list1, List list2) {

// Variables should match, but dynamic memory buffer must be different








void print_help()









cout << ” > : Go to the end of the list”









#if LAB3_TEST2


#endif // LAB3_TEST2


#if LAB3_TEST3


#endif // LAB3_TEST3




a 2 0 kg ball is dropped from a height of 5 0 m the ball falls hits the ground and b 4141105

A 2.0-kg ball is dropped from a height of 5.0 m. The ball falls, hits the ground, and bounces back up to a height of 3.0 m. What can be said about ?Eint, ball between the initial and final state of the ball?(A) ?Eint, ball > 39.2J                                  (B) ?Eint, ball = 39.2J                                        (C) ?Eint, ball

c solution 1 histogram generate a text based histogram for a sequence of grades to a 5148635

C++ solution

1. Histogram Generate a text-based histogram for a sequence of grades to a class of students. The grades are [A- D, F]. Write a program that allows the user to enter grades of students in upper/lower case. As the grades are being entered, the program should count, using an array, the number of As, the number of Bs, the number of Cs, the number of Ds, and the number of Fs. The program should be capable of handling an arbitrary number of student grades. However, the input should end when an invalid grade is encountered. To design your counters, use an array of size 5 where each array element is initialized to zero. Whenever an A or a is entered, increment array[O]. Whenever a B or b is entered, increment array[1], etc. up to array[4]. Output the histogram count and the bar- chart too as shown below Sample input/output nter sequence of valid grade [A ending with an invalid grade to stop: grade(s) of A bar-chart: grade(s) of B bar-chart: grade (s) of Cbar-chart: ** grade (s) of D; bar-chart: grade (s) of F bar-chart: nter sequence of valid grade [A-F ending with an invalid grade to stop: bcdfdbbBBAcDffFFFp grade(s) of A bar-chart: ** grade(s) of B bar-chart: grade(s) of C bar-chart: ** grade(s) of D bar-chart: grade(s) of F bar-chart: 1. Histogram Generate a text-based histogram for a sequence of grades to a class of students. The grades are [&#39;A&#39;- &#39;D&#39;, &#39;F&#39;]. Write a program that allows the user to enter grades of students in upper/lower case. As the grades are being entered, the program should count, using an array, the number of A&#39;s, the number of B&#39;s, the number of C&#39;s, the number of D&#39;s, and the number of F&#39;s. The program should be capable of handling an arbitrary number of student grades. However, the input should end when an invalid grade is encountered. To design your counters, use an array of size 5 where each array element is initialized to zero. Whenever an &#39;A” or &#39;a&#39; is entered, increment array[O]. Whenever a &#39;B or &#39;b&#39; is entered, increment array[1], etc. up to array[4]. Output the histogram count and the bar- chart too as shown below Sample input/output nter sequence of valid grade [&#39;A&#39;&#39; ending with an invalid grade to stop: grade(s) of A bar-chart: grade(s) of B bar-chart: grade (s) of Cbar-chart: ** grade (s) of D; bar-chart: grade (s) of F bar-chart: nter sequence of valid grade [&#39;A-F&#39; ending with an invalid grade to stop: bcdfdbbBBAcDffFFFp grade(s) of A bar-chart: ** grade(s) of B bar-chart: grade(s) of C bar-chart: ** grade(s) of D bar-chart: grade(s) of F bar-chart:

create an edit menu in your gui add a second menu to the gui called edit which will 5150686

Create an Edit Menu in your GUI Add a second menu to the GUI called Edit which will have one menu item called Insert. Clicking on insert should prompt the user using a JOptionPane input dialog to enter a new date in the same format as is read from the input file. The new date, if valid, should be displayed in the unsorted and sorted text areas of the GUI. If the date is invalid it should be printed to the console. You will need to write a second menu handler called EditMenuHandler.

Name the Main Project4

this is my previous code:


//declare class which implements
//comparable interface
public class Candle
int height;
int width;
float price;
boolean islit;

//Default constructor
public Candle()
//getter and setter method for Islit
public boolean isIslit()
  return islit;

public void setIslit(boolean islit)
  this.islit = islit;

//getter and setter method for height
public int getHeight()
  return height;
public void setHeight(int height) {
  this.height = height;

//getter and setter method for width
public int getWidth() {
  return width;
public void setWidth(int width) {
  this.width = width;

//getter and setter method for price
public float getPrice() {
  return price;
public void setPrice(float price) {
  this.price = price;

//paremetrized construtor
public Candle(int height, int width,
   float price)
  this.height = height;
  this.width = width;
  this.price = price;
  this.islit = false;
//override methpd toString()
public String toString()
  return height + “,” + width
    + “, ” + price+”,”+ islit;


//Import required packages
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;

//declare the class
public class CandleGUI extends JFrame

//Constructor which takes an array of Box objects as parameter
public CandleGUI(SortedCandleList sortedCandleList,
   UnsortedCandleList unsortedCandleList)

  //using GridLayout with 1 row and 2 columns, with 10 spaces gap between
  //each cells horizontally and vertically
  setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 10, 10));

  //Defining a Text area for displaying unsorted list
  JTextArea left = new JTextArea();

  // making it not editable (by user)
  String candle = “UNSORTED LIST OF CANDLESnn”;

  //Setting text for unsorted list

  //Adding the text area

  //Defining a text area for displaying sorted list, and adding the
  //details of each candles
  JTextArea right = new JTextArea();
  candle = “SORTED LIST OF CANDLESnn”;

  //Adjust the length and width of the window


//declare the abstract CandleList
public abstract class CandleList
//declare local variables
protected CandleNode head , last;
protected int size_of_list;
//define the default constructor
public CandleList()
  head = last = new CandleNode(null);
  size_of_list = 0;

//implement the method to test the linked list is empty
//or not
public boolean isEmpty()
  if(size_of_list == 0)
   return true;
   return false;

//append date to the list
public void append(Candle date)
  //append the date to the last node
  last.next = new CandleNode(date);
  //set the last node to last.next
  last = last.next;
  //increment the size of list
//implement the method toString
public String toString()
  //define the current node
  CandleNode curr = head.next;
  String str = “”;
  //Using while loop to repear the current node is null or not
  while(curr != null)
   //call the toString()
   str += curr.candle.toString() + “n”;
   //set current to current next
   curr = curr.next;
  //return the string
  return str;


//Define the class BoxNode
public class CandleNode
//declare the local variable
protected Candle candle;
protected CandleNode next;
//define the Constructor
public CandleNode(Candle c)
  candle = c;
  next = null;


//define the class which extends the abstract class
public class SortedCandleList extends CandleList {
public SortedCandleList()
  //call variables though super keyWord
//implement the method add()
public void add(Candle candle)
  //define the head for the previous and current nodes in the liked list
  CandleNode prev = head,
    curr = head.next;

  //define the nodes
  CandleNode node = new CandleNode(candle);
  //Using while loop
  while(curr != null && candle.getPrice() > curr.candle.getPrice())
   //set previoud node as current node
   prev = curr;
   //set current node as next node
   curr = curr.next;
  //set node to next is current node
  node.next = curr;
  //previous to next is node
  prev.next = node;
  //If node to next value is null
  if(node.next == null)
   //set that is as last node
   last = node;
   //increment the node


//define the class UnsortedBoxList which extends the //CandleList
public class UnsortedCandleList extends CandleList {
//define the Constructor
public UnsortedCandleList()
  //call the variables
//implement the method add
public void add(Candle unsortedCandle)
  //just append values to the text area


//Import required classes
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;
//Define the class name Project2
public class Project2
//main method
public static void main(String[] args)

  //Defining sorted and unsorted Candle lists objects
  SortedCandleList sortedCandleListObject = new SortedCandleList();
  UnsortedCandleList unsortedCandleList = new UnsortedCandleList();

  //define file object with the input text file
  File file = new File(“candles.txt”);

  //Read date in the file and save into the string array
   //define the scanner object for that file
   Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
   //Read line by line in the file
   while (scanner.hasNext())
    //read the line
    String line = scanner.nextLine();
    // splitting the line by ,
    String candles[] = line.split(“,”);
    //Store each file by height, width and price
    int height = Integer.parseInt(candles[0].trim());
    int width = Integer.parseInt(candles[1].trim());
    float price = Float.parseFloat(candles[2].trim());

    System.out.println(height +” t “+ width +”t”+ price);
    //define the class Candle object
    Candle candleObject = new Candle(height, width, price);

    //Add Candle objects to the classes
   //call the Construtor with the objects
   new CandleGUI(sortedCandleListObject, unsortedCandleList);
  //If the input text file is not exits
  //Display and error message
  catch (FileNotFoundException e)
   System.out.println(“File not found!”);
  //If the input text file is invalid
  catch (Exception e)
   //print the message
   System.out.println(“Invalid file format!”);

an investment that costs 50 000 will return 15 000 operating cash flows per year for 4136845

An investment that costs $50,000 will return $15,000 operating cash flows per year for five years. Determine the net present value of the investment if the required rate of return is 14 percent. Should the investment be undertaken? (Your answer might be slightly different due to rounding. Select the best answer from those available.)

A. Yes, the profit is $25,000.

B. No, the accounting return is less than 14%.

C. No, the net present value is negative at $11,045.

D. Yes, the net present value is positive at $1,496.50.

An investment that costs 50 000 will return 15 000 operating c

write an analysis of a key character in a literary work describe two to three key ac 5203330

Write an analysis of a key character in a literary work. Describe two to three key actions of the character, or how the character responds to events. What do the actions reveal about the character? Do the character&#39;s actions fit together, or do they contradict each other? If they contradict, what does that contradiction say about the character&#39;s emotional and mental capacity? Analyze the character&#39;s psychological background. Why does the character act in the way he/she does? How does the author&#39;s characterization in the text reflect this psychological background?


Where Are you Going, Where Have You Been,” Joyce Carol Oates 


    • Posted: 4 years ago
    • Due: 23/12/2015
    • Budget: $30