16 which of the following call instructions writes the contents of eax to standard o 5347120

16. Which of the following CALL instructions writes the contents of EAX to standard output as a signed decimal integer?

a. call WriteInteger

b. call WriteDec

c. call WriteHex

d. call WriteInt

17. Which of the following code sequences assigns the value 10h to EBX?


mov  edx,20h

push edx

mov  ecx,10h

push ecx

pop  ebx

pop  edx


mov  ecx,10h

mov  edx,20h

push ecx

push edx

pop  ebx

pop  edx


push 20h

mov  ecx,10h

push ecx

pop  eax

pop  ebx


push 30h

push 10h

push 20h

pop  edx

pop  ebx

pop  eax

18. The process of dividing a problem into general tasks, and then separating general tasks into more specific tasks is called . . .

a. process-oriented design

b. functional decomposition

c. top-down design

d. object-oriented design

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