In 100-250 words, explain each element, and discuss how it affects or influences the U.S. political system.

U.S. Federal Bureaucracy and Public Policy

Step 1: Complete the federal bureaucracy matrix to demonstrate how it influences the U.S. political system. Include APA citations for all unoriginal ideas, facts, or definitions.

Elements of federal bureaucracy

In 100-250 words, explain each element, and discuss how it affects or influences the U.S. political system.

Civil servants

Government corporation

Cabinet departments

Independent regulatory agencies

Independent executive agencies

Merit system

Public administration

Spoils system


Negotiated rulemaking

Step 2: Complete the public policy matrix to explain and the compare the main policy types.

Types of public policy

Explanation or definition

How is it the same or different from the other types of policy?

Example of the type of policy

Distributive policy

Regulatory policy

Redistributive policy

POL/115 v3

U.S. Federal Bureaucracy and Public Policy Step 1: Complete the federal bureaucracy matrix to demonstrate how it influences the U.S. political system. Include APA citations for all unoriginal ideas, f 1

POL/115 Week 1 Assignment

Influences on the Founding of the United States of AmericaComplete each section of the matrix below. Include APA citations for all unoriginal ideas, facts, or definitions.

Documents In 2-3 sentences, provide a brief summary of each document, and discuss each document’s significance or influence on the values of the American political culture or the ideas for the structure and organization of the U.S. Federal Government.
Magna Carta
Mayflower Compact
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
The Virginia Plan
The New Jersey Plan
The Connecticut Plan
The U.S. Constitution
The Bill of Rights
Philosophers In 2-3 sentences, provide a brief summary of who each philosopher was, and discuss how each philosopher’s writings and ideas influenced the founding fathers as they developed the values of American political culture and the nature and structure of the U.S. system of government.
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Selected Founders In 2-3 sentences, provide a brief summary of who each founding father was, and discuss the role of each person in the establishment of the United States of America and its system of government.
Benjamin Franklin
Alexander Hamilton
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
John Adams
Political Factions In 2-3 sentences, provide a brief explanation of each of these factions, and discuss how each viewed the power and scope of the U.S. Federal government.
Types of Democracy In 2-3 sentences, discuss the characteristics and principles of each type of government, and describe how (if at all) those principles are used in the structure of the U.S. system of government.
Representative Democracy
Direct Democracy
Concepts In 2-3 sentences, describe how each of these concepts exists in the organization of the U.S. federal government, and discuss why this concept is important in a representative democracy.
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances

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