1 the term business context essentially means the same as problemdomain 2 the term s 5346874

1. The term business contextessentially means the same asproblemdomain.

2. The term stakeholdermeans essentially the same asuser.

3. The term stakeholdermeans essentially the same assponsor.

4. Functional requirements describe how thesystem must respond to external stimuli

5. Use cases can be used to specify asystem’s nonfunctional requirements.

6. Use cases can be used for businessrequirements modeling

7. Use cases can be used for system requirementsmodeling

8. Business use cases describe what alreadyexists

9. Use cases may be specified withdiagrams.

10. An office can be an actor in a usecase.

11. A software system can be an actor in a usecase.

12. Generally, actors will be included in anactor list but not included in the glossary.

13. An entry in the glossary can record itsrelationship to a particular development phase.

14. Object names in the glossary follow the usualobject naming convention.

15. A data dictionary generally just defines dataseparate from process.

16. When writing the business use cases, it isimportant to think about how the business with work with newsystem.

17. UML specifies the numbering scheme for usecase list steps.

18. It is acceptable to use natural language,steps, and structured language to specify the actions to be done bya use case.

19. A numbered label on a communication diagramrepresents an object.

20. Both normal and abnormal communication pathsare shown on communication diagrams.

Short Answer

21. What type of requirements describes what thesystem must do?

22. What type of requirements would includeversion of web browser supported?

23. What kind of use cases are written indescriptive style?

24. What kind of use cases are written inprescriptive style?

25. What kind of use cases are generally areshown to sponsors?

26. What kind of use cases are written mainly fordevelopers?

27. How do use cases start?

Chapter 6

28. The results of a use case is of value towhom?

29. What is the difference between a businessactor and a system actor?

30. Give an example of a deploymentartifact?

31. What is a design package?

32. What is a design layer?

33. What kind of diagram is shown below?

34. What is the thing shown in the accompanyingdiagram.

35. What does a communication diagramdocument?

36. How is a person who is an actor representedin a communications diagram?

37. How is a business object (i.e. entity)represented in a communication diagram.

38. What is represented by a circle connect tovertical bar in a communication diagram?

39. How is a human playing a role in an interfacerepresented in a communication diagram?

40. How is the starting point represented on andactivity diagram?

41. What is fork in an activitydiagram?

42. How is a guard shown on a communicationdiagram?

43. What is a guard on a communicationdiagram?

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