1 internal memory as compared to external memory is a less convenient b can hold mor 5346671

1. Internal memory, as compared to external memory is: a. less convenient b. can hold more information c. is faster d. can be backed up e. has unlimited processing capacity 2. What is not an attributes of data: a. sharable b. complexity c. accurate d. relevant e. all of the above are attributes of data 3. Ways that data can be transported include a. computer networks b. phone lines c. homing pigeons d. paper e. all of the above 4. What protects your data against loss, sabotage or theft? a. making duplicate copies of the data b. clear graphical presentations c. using password protection on the system d. using voice data e. a and c 5. Data contained in hypertext documents: a. has a high level of security b. tends to be more reliable c. allows a user to read a document in a non-linear fashion d. is easier for an author to create than a standard document e. must use HTML 6. A GIS is a. a geographical information system b. a group information system c. a system used improve team communications d. a predecessor to an EIS (executive information system. e. a generalized inquiry system 7. Which of the following is not a problem in data management a. redundancy b. delays in the receipt of requested data c. poor interfaces d. complexity of data e. relevancy 8. The lack of data integration stems from a. data residing in various forms of organizational memory b. systems not being linked to one another c. systems being developed a various points in time utilizing different technologies d. all of the above e. low capacity disk drives 9. End of the day inventory of a stock room is: a. information b. data c. knowledge d. redundant e. wisdom 10. When making decisions we use: a. information b. knowledge c. data d. all of the above e. cooperative technology 11. There are three distinct phases of civilization which of the following is not one a. Industrial b. Information c. Institutional d. Agricultural 12. There are three useful concepts for describing information, which of the following is not one a. hardness b. accuracy c. class d. richness 13. The following are characteristics of hard information a. may come from unidentified source b. is easily verifiable c. has a highly level of uncertainty associated with it d. may include gossip and hearsay 14. Information is considered rich when it: a. allows the recipient to read the deliverers body language b. is delivered in a face to face setting c. allows for immediate feedback or verification of meaning d. Allows for drill down 15. Which of the following is not identified as a class of information a. Behavior b. Action c. Numeric d. Content 16. LANs can: a. connect personal computers b. connect mainframes to personal computers c. connect the different software components on a personal computer d. a and b e. a and c 17. Which of the following are tools used in data integration a. data warehouses b. database technology c. EIS d. All of the above e. None of the above 18. Which of the following is not an example of explicit knowledge a. Rules about how to forward a phone call b. Today's date c. Your exam grade d. Mental models to model data e. The symptoms of chicken pox 19. An entity is: a. represented by a rectangle b. a table c. a primary relation d. represented by an oval e. a and b f. b and d 20. To make a new table the SQL command used is: a. Make Relation b. Primary Key c. Insert d. Create e. New Table 21. Referential integrity is necessary because a. without referential integrity deletion anomalies are likely to occur b. if the primary key does not first exist in a table the foreign key will not have a match c. without referential integrity there will be a large amount of duplicated data d. it would not be possible to uniquely identify a row 22. When determining the location of the primary key in a 1:M situation a. you always take the primary key from the one end and place it in the many end b. You take the primary key from the one end and place it in the many end only when it is a mandatory relationship c. You take the primary key from the one end and place it in the many end unless it is a composite primary key d. You can take the primary key from either table and place in the other (you would select the one that would take up the less space per key) 23. An associative entity is: a. used when two tables need to be linked together via a foreign key b. used when the primary key of a table is comprised of more than one attribute c. aids in the enforcement of referential integrity d. is created between two entities that have a m:m relationship 24. Data modeling is not used to: a. graphically represent a database b. understand how the data is stored in the database c. aid in the identification of data entities d. depict relationships between entities e. c and d 25. Typically, relationships are labeled: a. when there are two different relationships between the same two entities b. always c. when one entity must be present for the other to exist d. in a m:m relationship e. a and c 26. Which of the following is not a type of entity? a. independent b. dependent c. associative d. ordinal e. subordinate 27. A synonym is: a. a grammatical term not used in database modeling b. when two attributes have different names but mean the same thing c. when two attributes in two different entities have the same name but mean two different things d. is used when you query a table that has a unitary relationship e. none of the above 28. Which is not one of the four basic components to a data model: a. entity b. relationship c. identifier d. attribute e. referential integrity 29. Which of the following is not an example of an aggregate relationship: a. horse and sheep : animal b. car and truck : vehicle c. stock and portfolio : stock market d. pants and shirt : clothes e. salaried and hourly : employees 30. Functional dependency is when: a. one entity is dependent on another b. one attribute can be calculated by 2 other attributes c. the value of one attribute determines the value of another one d. b and c 31. Which of the following is not a numeric data type a. binary b. integer c. float d. boolean e. decimal 32. If you want to create a primary key for your customers, and you currently have 75 customers, what would be a good data type to use for a CustomerID field? a. smallint b. integer c. char(5) d. long varchar e. none of the above 33. SQL: a. originated in IBM b. is yet to be standardized c. cannot be used in conjunction with COBOL d. cannot be used for object oriented data management e. a and d 34. A view: a. is used to create a new table from which a user can run queries b. is used to create a virtual table c. is often used to increase security for certain columns d. must be defined based on other tables not based on other views e. b and c

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