1 display random numbers to simulate rolling a die 2 create a java program that simu 5346553

1. Display random numbers to simulate rolling a die

2. Create a java program that simulate a casino game. (rollin a die)

a. To play a game, pay $1

b.   The rewards are;

      6: $3

      5: $ 0

       4: $0

       3:  $0

      2: $0

      1: $4

Display the balance of the game.

3.   Write a program that prints a multiplication table, like the following”

       1 2 3   4   5

       2 4 6 8   10

       3 6   9 12   15

       4 8 12   16 20

       5 10 15 20 25

4. Write a program that reads a word and print the word in reverse. For example, if the user provides the input “harry”, the program prints ” yrrah”.

5. Write a java program that create the Power table program as the following   table ( PowerTable.java)

    1      2      3     4

x       x       x      x

   1      1      1     1

   2      4      8     16

   3      9     27     81


    10 100 1000   10000

5 .jar files and codes for the 5 project above


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